Mississippi Rural Dentists Scholarship Program

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MRDSP Scholarship Application


Priority Deadline: April 1, 2024

Personal Information

Personal Information

First Name*

Last Name*

Permanent Address

City, State, Zip Code


Cell Phone Number*

Email Address*

Date of Birth


Place of Permanent Residency

Father's Name

Father's Address (street, city, state, zip code)

Mother's Name

Mother's Address (if different)



High School Name, Town, and Year of Graduation

Highest Composite ACT Score

List Colleges Attended, Date of Attendance, and Degree Earned

School of Dentistry to Which You've Been Accepted or Are Attending

Admission to Class Year Entering In (Year)


Dental School Student ID#

Highest DAT Sum


Overall GPA

How Will You Be Classified this Fall in Dental School?

Prioritize Your Preferences of These Types of Dentistry (1= Highest and 2=Lowest)

General Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

List Four Mississippi Towns of 10,000 or Fewer Residents Where You May Wish to Practice Rural Dentistry in Order of Preference (1=Highest and 4=Lowest)





Personal Insights

Personal Insights

Please Provide Brief Responses to the Following Questions:

1. What Motivates You to Choose a Rural Lifestyle and Dental Practice Location?

2. Describe the Pivotal Moment in Your Life When Rural Dentistry Became Your Primary Professional Goal.

3. Identify the Most Influential Person in Your Decision to Become a Rural Dentist and Why.

4. What is Your Most Significant Personal Strength?

5. Of What Personal Accomplishment Are You Most Proud and Why?

6. Identify Your Most Significant Weakness.

7. Describe Your Greatest Academic Challenge to Date.

8. What Aspect of Dental School Are You Most Apprehensive Of?

Place a check by each statement below to indicate your understanding and willingness to comply: